Conditions for adopting a Maine Coon

We place great importance on the well-being of our kittens and their placement in loving and responsible homes. Before adopting one of our Maine Coons, we established a few conditions to guarantee their happiness and development.

  • Appropriate environment: We want our kittens to evolve in a secure environment adapted to their needs. A spacious indoor space, with comfortable play and rest areas, is essential for their well-being. If you plan to let them outside, we recommend providing them with an enclosed, protected space, such as a secure enclosure or fenced garden.
  • Time and Commitment: Maine Coons are social animals that need companionship and attention. Before adopting one of our kittens, make sure you have enough time to devote to them. They enjoy playing, cuddling and interacting with their adoptive family. We encourage adopters to be present and involved in the life of their feline companion.
  • Veterinary Care: Maine Coons require regular veterinary care to maintain their health. Before adopting them, we will ask you to commit to providing them with veterinary visits, up-to-date vaccinations, a balanced diet and proper care.
  • Non-breeding: Unless prior agreement for declared cattery, our kittens are sold as pets and will therefore be sterilized or castrated before departure. This contributes to the preservation of the breed and to avoiding uncontrolled reproduction. We encourage adopters to understand this condition.
  • Post-adoption follow-up: Our commitment to our kittens does not end with their adoption. We want to stay in contact with our adopters to follow their progress and answer their questions throughout the life of the Maine Coon. W​e are here to guide you, advise you and support you in this great adventure with your feline companion.

Adopting a Maine Coon is a long-term commitment. We take the adoption process very seriously to ensure our kittens are placed in loving and responsible homes. If you are ready to provide a warm, loving home for one of our Maine Coon kittens, we would love to chat with you and help you find your perfect feline companion.

Kitten leaving

The kittens will be ready to leave the cattery from 12 weeks, your little ball of fur will leave with:

- A welcome booklet written by me concerning the Maine Coon breed, its growth, its diet, its care...

​- His health record or European passport if leaving abroad

- A certificate of good health established by the veterinarian

- Genetic testing of parents

- The Pedigree issued by LOOF, or the pedigree request certificate if it has not yet arrived at the time of departure. It will then be sent by mail to the buyer upon receipt at the farm.

- The I-CAD identification card

- Vaccinations against Typhus and Coryza (+ rabies if going abroad)

- Sterilization for company departures

- The sales certificate

- A kitten kit with kibble and toys

- Insurance offered for the 3 months following adoption